miranda july

Miranda-July-440x272Sometimes, Miranda July can be annoyingly fey, like an anthropologie muse, which makes me throw up in my mouth a little, but she never goes Zooey Deschanel-annoying, so I will still click if I see her name online, because other times, my god, she does some amazing projects. This link is the short film she did to advertise Miu Miu clothes, in conjunction with an app she developed called “somebody,” which works like this: text your message, choose a person geographically closest to your message recipient to deliver your message in person. The acting is neat, the writing is weird and funny, the set and cinematography are wonderful, and the ideas are just out there. She can exhibit a marvelous sensibility in her work and her observations of what’s going in first-world society, trying to connect her audience to each other and with the art through technology. All the costumes are actually clothes are from the Miu Miu Fall collection, which probably costs more than my mortgage, but here, looks like moth-ball eaten thrift store finds. Neat.

I am still mad about that Miranda July movie where a cat is character and had extensive voice over lines. That was not worth the babysitting money.

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