I met this lovely writer at a Christmas party and never got around to posting this. She’s written a bunch of YA books and l ives off of writing. I told her I was very impressed at how much she’s accomplished, especially when I can’t bear to write. My own YA attempt is on draft number five. Surely, that means, give up (except not really). She told me quite sternly-in-a-friendly- way that it takes a lot of time and revision to figure out how you write a book and that her first took 17 drafts. That made me feel, oddly, inspired. Anyway, I’ve read almost all her books. Prom and Prejudice is my favorite; the way Shakespeare elevates actors, Austen just elevates writers. Her books hit that right YA formula — enough plot to keep you guessing, delayed romantic gratification, and a female protagonist who carries the modern writer’s feminist intentions.