So last week, because I didn’t have access to personal email (my office blocks access presumably for virus reason, although IT freely accesses theirs all day…hmm) I missed an audition for a bit part in a George Clooney movie directed by the guy who did “Good Night and Good Luck.” A GEORGE CLOONEY MOVIE, PEOPLE!!! Sure, it was a little bit for a spiritual Viet Cong lady, which I’m sure I’d mangle, be wrong for, and totally be offended by, but if a movie like that calls me, I want a chance to throw my hat in!
So instead of eating my heart for the rest of my life, I decided to be constructive and got a blackberry. Now, you all can email me whenever and I’ll get it in seconds.
Don’t you mean — a second BB?
yes! my purse is so heavy.