Remember Mummenschanz? They were like mimes with post-its for facial features or toilet paper rolls–I think they appeared a lot on The Muppet Show as guests. We actually went to a live Mummenshanz show on Broadway at some point–my cousin Ed was into them (he may have been 7 at the time or something) and my non-English-speaking grandmother was in town, so mime seemed like the perfect family entertainment, but it turned out to be a touch to artsy for Grandma, whom I still remember saying “What the hell is this?” in Korean in her non-inside-voice. Um, Mummenshanz is like a totally silent show with no music, so I feel like she was sharing with a few rows. Awesome.
For some reason I associate Mummenshanz with Beatlemania, probably because they were both on Broadway at the same time and they were both ridiculous. I never got to see Mummenshanz, but I will always remember the commercials, with the dude crying toilet paper tears.