Don’t worry, I’m limiting any entries focusing on the scatological. Just this, First Son is ready to begin potty training…actually, my mother is ready for First Son to begin potty training. She checks in with me about when I plan to start regularly. I respond to her queries by reminding her since brushing my teeth is on my maybe-I’ll-get-to-it-today to-do list, I don’t a major change like that is in the cards. Still, my mom is mildly obsessed. She’s watching an online Korean series on the topic. She invested in an expensive potty and asked him to sit in it. He shouted no and fled. (So really, Mom, how ready is he?)
I have done a little investing myself, specifically, in secondhand picture books on the said topic. I now have “Everyone Poops” and “The Story of Gas: The History of Farts” on my bookshelf. When I read them, I noticed both authors had Asian names. Story of Gas is written by Shinto Cho, which is a Korean name, right? Just saying…