slowing down

Dude, today, I think it felt like it took me thirty minutes to walk a city block. It was strange to walk so slowly that I felt like a 90-year-old meditative monk or something, with everyone whizzing past me, but I guess them’s the breaks.

The only thing that’s really tough is getting out of bed. I have no core muscles right now, so rising up from the horizontal position is a pain. What I need is a helicopter air lift. As it is, I get myself up by using Husband as a rock wall climbing wall, grabbing to parts of his pajamas as little leverage spots. He’s pretty nice about it, even when he’s asleep. If it were me, I would get mad.

2 Replies to “slowing down”

  1. Last texts between me and Kara July 9, ’08:
    K: I’m soooo tired!!!
    Me: So sore. Moving at a glacial pace.
    She only had days to go, I had a month. Get ready!

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