Wow, I was in my hotel room on Monday and caught a few minutes of “The Tyra Banks Show,” which was focusing on black women and their hair. They were about to show the first time this man ever see his wife without a weave. She got choked up, worried he would not find her pretty any more, and I found myself sobbing uncontrollably. Really? Over a story involving a weave? Um, a touch hormonal, perhaps?
yes, but in my defense, she was very emotional and chris rock was on their the show to promote “good hair” and immediately hugged her and said he would marry her and they could move to a weave-free society…but even so, yeah, it’s not the typical thing to make me weepy
that’s ok. i was at the movies with nnk. saw the trailer for OCEANS (the follow up to Disney’s EARTH). bawling. sniffling. tears streaming down my face. making nnk extremely uncomfortable. awesome.
i saw andrea deavere smith’s portrayal of an angry korean woman from her “twilight” show last night at a party and totally started bawling — i actually i would have without preg hormones, b/c the pain and hurt of this woman was so explicit and smith just goes for it, and as for OCEANS, ha ha. but crying at the movies are among my favorite things! like UP? how can you watch that without bawling? the worst was “Dancer in the Dark” starring Bjork. I saw that with Joslyn, and that was so painful, we were both like sobbing outloud. Usually, I’m good with just tears, no sound.
So, did you go to a party with theatre folk.. and someone played a tape of Anna Deveare Smith’s show during the party?…Trying to understand how a solo show about the LA riots is played during a party.
i was at a party and David was watching it off of our friend’s FB recommendations. I think we both needed a timeout from the socializing. It’s kind of like when i read a book at a party. I’m not supposed to…but it’s like you need a timeout from life once in a while