What do you do when you don’t know what you want or what decision to make? A cousin of mine is getting married the same day I was to leave for California to attend the bachlorette trip to Palm Springs for my high school BFF Alex before her wedding. I have no idea which to do. The decision has already been made for me, because my mother just hung up the phone on me and kept steam rolling over me “Forget it! Forget it! I will call Sunyoung and tell her you can’t go! I’m going to call her right now!” which was actually sweet of her. If she weren’t such a Cave Woman Conversationalist, she would have said “Sweetheart, I can see you are having difficulty making this decision, so I’m going to ease your burden and make the decision for you. You have my blessing — go off and have a good time with your friends.”
Which will be more fun? Both will have their moments. When is family more important than pals? Family is so messed up and I have such conflicted feelings over mine, whereas my friendships are much more consistently positive and uncomplicated. So what do you pick? I’m not close to this cousin, but it would be nice to see relatives I never get to see. Oh well. As of now, I’m going to Palm Springs, but I’m still going to mull it over.